Religion's of the World

Talking about the different religion’s of the world:

Number one spot for Buddhists is China with an estimated over 111 million. 

Buddhism was founded over 2, 500 years ago by Shakyamuni Buddha. This religion is about freeing yourself from suffering through the threefold which is cultivation of morality, meditation and wisdom. There are three main jewels that Buddhists revere. Buddha himself which is called the Awakened one. Dharma which is called the Truth and Sangha which is the community of monks and nuns. 

Number one spot for Christians is The United States with estimate over 252 million. 

Christians believe in eternal life through Gods son who died on the cross for their sins. Jesus Christ was a Jew born somewhere around 2000 years ago. The Christians Bible talks about his teachings, persecution and crucifixion and resurrection. There are three main Christians in the world although there are countless other organizations that use the Christian concept. The main three are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and Protestantism.

Number one spot for Hindus is India with an estimated over 810 million.

Hinduism started over 4 thousand years ago in India. Sacred texts known as Vedas which contain the sacred text and rituals are followed. Three are also three main gods, like most religions they have a trinity. Buddhism as three main worships and Christians have three main characters such as father son and holy ghost, the Hindu‘s is one of the oldest religions of the world to have this concept where Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Shiva is the Destroyer. Hindu's are a strong believer in reincarnation. 

If you noticed there seems to be a little concept with the different faiths of the world in which all have a basic 3 set up.

Number one spot for Muslims is Indonesia with an estimated over 171 million.

Muslims believe in the Koran which is their holy bible or sacred book which they believe contain the rightful words of god himself  known as Allah which the word was given to Muhammad who was born in Mecca in A.D. 570. If you are a true strict Muslim you pray five times a day, fast during holy month of Ramadan and also make one trip to the holy land of Mecca.

Number one spot of the Jewish belief is United States with over 5 million.

Judaism is one of the oldest religions of the world which comes in about 4 thousand years right up their with Hinduism. The Christian movement is the young one on the block, the newest of the worship crew. Jews believe in a single god. Abraham was the founder of the Torah which is the sacred laws, beliefs, rituals given by god himself. The Torah is the first five books of the bible, the Old Testament which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.

There are key main spots in each of the religions.

Buddhism the number one spot is Bodhgaya this is where Buddha was given his awakening.

Christianity’s number one spot is Jerusalem which is the spot of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Hinduism’s number one spot is Varanasi this is the home spot of Shiva

Islam’s number one spot is Mecca which is Muhammad’s birthplace.

Judaism’s number one spot is Jerusalem which contains the Western Wall and first and second temples.

The many divine teachers Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Vishnu and many other divine teachers have all been major parts of history, from wars and countless horrible deaths to genocide to supposed amazing miracles. Each of these figures whatever your belief is, bring comfort to people in many trying times and the ordeal of these teachers have given many historical realities throughout time.  

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